Purchase this digital product and receive a link to the YouTube video of a CraftyMonkies Online Interactive Workshop featuring leading craft expert Lucy Brennan and her excellent skills-based class Big Stitch Hand Quilting & Tying class, which first aired via Zoom on Saturday 06 February 2021.
If hand-quilting has always seemed too fiddly or mystifying, Lucy Brennan is on hand in this class to throw away the rule book and get you stitching! She’ll show you how big stitch quilting with a thicker needle and Perle or embroidery thread can add beauty and texture to your quilts and projects. She’ll also show you how tying can also add a decorative and functional finish to quilted projects and how you can use big stitching and tying to create different effects. You’ll create a small sampler square to practice and explore these techniques and Lucy will help you find your signature style with a neat and even pattern unique to you! Three hours of solid hand quilting and tying content: bliss!
Once you have purchased this product, the PDF document you will receive contains a link to the private-access video on YouTube as well as the Workshop Information Sheet and any Pattern relevant to this project.
This class is available to view as many times as you like for 60 days FROM THE DATE OF YOUR PURCHASE
NOTE: Any short video featured in this promotional info is a Trailer and not the fully-edited version you'll gain access to via YouTube!
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