Pay Securely For Our
Online Interactive Workshops!
On this page you can pay for your upcoming CraftyMonkies Online Interactive Workshops in full as a single, one-off payment. You can do this by using either a Debit/Credit Card, Bank Transfer or via PayPal.
Please note that paying specifically via Apple iPad has proved problematic for some users; booking & payment via PC, iMac, iPhone and all other mobiles has presented no problems whatsoever.
Below is a list of all current confirmed dates for Online Interactive Workshops which you can book today
(assuming there are still places available)!
Ticket prices for our Online Interactive Workshops are based on ONE PERSON attending each workshop.
IMPORTANT: When entering your Phone Number in the relevant Payment field within the online form, please ensure the first two digits are your Country Code (eg UK Country Code: '44').
To purchase Video Recordings of some of our past Online Interactive Workshops please click on the link shown on the video you are interested in; you'll find all our current videos for sale within the Online Shop. To purchase any other products, such as Gift Vouchers and Crochet Kits, please visit our Online Shop!
Click on each grey 'Book' button (below) for full details
and to book tickets on our upcoming
Online Interactive Workshops & Weekend Craft Retreats
- Sat, 15 MarOnline Interactive Workshop
- Sat, 22 MarOnline Interactive Workshop
- Sat, 05 AprOnline Interactive Workshop
- Sat, 12 AprOnline Interactive Workshop: Moda and Me!
- Sun, 13 AprOnline Interactive Workshop
- Sat, 26 AprOnline Interactive Workshop
- Multiple DatesSat, 17 May2 Online Interactive Workshops
- Sat, 31 MayOnline Interactive Workshop
- Sat, 21 JunOnline: Playful Scrap Applique
- Sat, 19 JulOnline Interactive Workshop
- Sat, 06 SeptOnline Interactive Workshop - Scrappy Roll
- Fri, 26 SeptRutland Hall Hotel
- Fri, 26 SeptRutland Hall Hotel
- Sat, 04 OctOnline: Tell Your Story
- Sat, 25 OctOnline : Shoal
- Sat, 01 NovOnline: Heat Bonded Textiles
- Sat, 08 NovOnline Interactive Workshop
145 British poundsEnded
145 British pounds